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School life

We’re using (the leading online SignUp and reminder tool) to organize our upcoming SignUps. Here’s how it works in 
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The kids watched the movie The Lorax in the morning, picked up trash around the park after lunch and participated 
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School will be delayed 2 hours tomorrow for students only. Staff is is required to be report to work on 
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April 17th, 2019 10:22 am: The threat is over. There will be a follow-up post with information from Clear Creek 
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Please read the letter, in the link below, from Tina Ozee regarding CMAS testing that starts next week.   CMAS 
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There is a change to meeting agenda. There will be only one candidate interviewed this evening. The meeting will start 
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Dear GCS Families, Can you believe that we are nearly at the time for Spring Break?  We will enjoy a 
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Georgetown Community School hosted our first ever family dance and spaghetti dinner on Friday, February 22nd and it was an 
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CCSD is asking for community feedback on the school district’s consideration of the sale of the bus barn, parking lot 
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Storybook Character Visits from the John Tomay Memorial Library Wednesday, March 20th   9-9:30                   Kindergarten and 1st grade 9:45-10:15           Preschool 
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