
Phone: 303.569.3277

Survey and Meeting Request from CCSD

CCSD is asking for community feedback on the school district’s consideration of the sale of the bus barn, parking lot and football field properties in Idaho Springs. Please take the time to complete this survey yourself and share it with other residents of the Clear Creek School District.

Getting community feedback on this potential sale is important. Below are some facts about this issue. We appreciate your taking the time to take the survey and share it with your contacts.

Facts concerning the potential sale:
·     If the school district SOLD the bus barn, parking lot and football field properties, it could allow for the upgrade of school sporting and transportation facilities and support other district goals.
·     The bus barn and football field are not currently up to safety standards. If the school district chose NOT to sell the bus barn, parking lot and football field properties, the district would be required to spend significant resources bringing the bus barn up to code and addressing the additional code and safety concerns of the football field. (Funds from the 2018 ballot initiatives 4a and 4b are not able to be used for these purposes)

There will also be a community meeting to share more information on the subject and gather additional feedback: March 7th, 6:30pm at Carlson Elementary School in Idaho Springs. Again, here is where to find the online survey.

Comments are closed.