
Phone: 303.569.3277


Hello GCS Families and Staff, It’s almost time for our annual Board of Directors Election! We are seeking 3-5 members 
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Dear Families, Join us at our upcoming information night to learn more about the Universal Preschool (UPK) & Preschool Registration 
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Dear GCS Families, Please take a moment to fill out the survey below to help us in the expansion of 
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Dear GCS Families, We all know kids’ clothing can be quite pricy and/or easily “misplaced” by our wonderful children. That’s 
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Dear GCS Families, Can you believe that we are nearly at the time for Spring Break?  We will enjoy a 
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Georgetown Community School hosted our first ever family dance and spaghetti dinner on Friday, February 22nd and it was an 
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Storybook Character Visits from the John Tomay Memorial Library Wednesday, March 20th   9-9:30                   Kindergarten and 1st grade 9:45-10:15           Preschool 
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Friday, February 8th we celebrated our 100th day of school. Some kids decided to dress up like a 100 year 
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Division 1 Winners Microbiology: Jaymee Daniels Earth/Environment: Bella Gaskins Human Body/Health: George Ballard-Culp Physics: Sage Gibbons Material Science: Ashlyn Gonzales-Jeffers 
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